Friday, March 16, 2012

hello again

how are you?


thanks for dropping by

the new pumice record is really good

maybe i should move to new zealand

although i hear it's kind of depressing

sounds good to me

they say seattle is depressing too but i've never been

i've been to portland a few times

i like portland but i also hate portland

i just hate when you can tell something is from portland

i guess i'm talking specifically about music

i don't know

it just seems like portland kids are trying way too fucking hard

i just heard about some record by the portland cello ensemble

where they cover a bunch of contemporary rap songs

and just the concept makes me want to hit things

fuck you portland

your downtown is eerie

too clean

i like how there's no sales tax there though

god i love this song!

pumice is the best

i just love the sound of his records

they sound so.....


i wanted to say fresh but that sounds too hip-hop

fresh like newborn

but not newborn

that sounds too precious i think


pumice rules and you should listen to him

the end



i made crispy tacos last night and they were so fucking good

i've also told everyone i know about how good they were

you want my advice young davers?

learn how to make spanish rice

because you make one big pot

and then you have like a zillion different options for leftover dinners

i made rice on either tuesday or wednesday

and i made nachos

stuffed peppers

and crispy tacos

and STILL have some left


this has been the dave update

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