Monday, July 18, 2011

hey there



yesterday was fun

the power station lasted about 30 minutes

the patio i chose was right next to a restaurant apparently

so i went and played at the muni stop instead

it was cool

i was right in the middle of traffic

and muni trains would come by as well

and i looked up and saw the lights come on the bay bridge

played ok too i felt

i kept on feeling these strong breezes from traffic

which for some reason made me want to SHRED

it was really fun

i have some spots in mind for the next one but don't really know when i can do it

i'll let you know

we've been watching the sopranos too much at the house right now

chris moltisanti was in my dream last night

yelling at me

i think even if you're not familiar with the show

you can probably safely assume it was not a pleasant dream

this morning i was even talking at my alarm clock in a mobster voice

when i slapped the snooze button i thought to myself

"let's see what you think about THIS"


i need to watch something other than the sopranos for awhile

i need to not watch anything for awhile

i need to do something wholesome for a minute

not wholesome really

just like, different

i want to go to the zoo

and not just because they go to the zoo in the sopranos

and look at the apes and then fuck in the snake room



later this week i'll mention where the next show will be

i found some cool places in the financial district

not sure which one i'm gonna use though

man yesterday was fun




this has been the dave update