Friday, July 29, 2011


hoo boy

i am tired today

show last night was really fun

all the bands were rad

i thought we played pretty well too

that was the first waste rig show i felt pretty good about

the first one i played my amp blew like 2 seconds into it

the second one was the first one we'd played with the new drummer

i had gotten out of the hospital the day prior

and hadn't even met the new drummer yet

it was um, rocky

but last night was a good time

ha ha

my co-worker just asked me how the show went

i should have just told him to read the dave update

i found a problem with the dave update yesterday

i was telling marissa a story

(hi marissa! have fun on tour)

and midway through it she was like

"dave i read about this"

does the dave update mean i can't tell stories any more?


i'm choosing to look at it like

the dave update means that you just need to live more stories

maybe that's a discovery that i've made

writing can only happen if you have an excess of words

it's like a lemonade stand

you don't start a lemonade stand if you only have enough lemonade for yourself

unless that lemonade stand is just a drug front

in which case i guess you don't even need lemonade at all

for the record the dave update is not a drug front

we're a legitimate blog

not like tmz which is clearly just a cover for perez hilton's ecstacy ring

or brooklynvegan, i think they're some sort of a child prostitution thing

like if you enter an annoying comment on that site it's really just code for

please send me an underage person to have sex with

actually i think that's all blogs

any time you post something stupid on the internet

someone at pitchfork sends you a child prostitute

and gorilla vs bear films you having sex

so don't piss anyone off at gorilla vs bear

because they'll post the video

true story, every word

you know what's rad?

at like 6 o'clock today

i can go home

and do fucking NOTHING

and go to sleep

and i won't have to work tomorrow

isn't that rad?

i thought so too


i feel like the blog mafia bit is enough for today

next show is tuesday

this has been the dave update