Thursday, March 1, 2012


not much to talk about today i don't think

last night was very nice

we had band practice and it went well

we just changed set-ups a bit and it's taken a little while to get the sound right

but last night sounded really great

so much so that i stayed up afterwards and recorded some more

it was cool

i threw a tape in and recorded and jammmmmmmed for awhile

and it was perfect because i finished and went to see if the tape was still rolling

and right when i got to the stereo it clicked off


that's a great feeling

like when that last song just squeezes onto the mix-tape?

the BEST

also i talked with my friend tina for an hour and it was wonderful

and now i'm at work

my butt is a little wet from biking in the rain

and honestly i think that's all i feel like writing about today

this has been the dave update