Friday, December 30, 2011

Thursday, December 29, 2011

hi there

been awhile

you look nice

let's make up?

ha ha

last night i had weird dreams

i kept bumping into this really awful guy i used to know

i won't say his name because i don't mean to talk shit

but he's just a super lame dude

every time i run into him in real life i always think of it as though it's a red flag


"oh fuck"

"that guy is here"

"this place must not be that cool"


but i kept seeing him at places

and it was like,

SERIOUS situations

maybe it was because i saw cloverfield recently

and maybe i just had a dream that was cloverfield

where everyone is a piece of shit

and it's rad when they all DIE


what an obnoxious character

i would have killed him myself

seriously, that's the first thing i would have done

i wouldn't have even waited to leave that shitty party

i would have said "ALIENS? OH MY GOD"

and then just shot that cameraman in the head

if anyone objected i would say he was an alien, duh


because i bet they all secretly hated him too

even though they were all fucking weiners themselves


that's all i remember about the dream

life is weird but i'm convinced that 2012 will be amazing

even if it's awful the world will end so who cares



i typed "i" there and then i went for a smoke break

no idea what i was gonna write there


that's all i've got i guess

good seeing you again

hope life is well

this has been the dave update