Monday, August 29, 2011

hey there


i'm stupid tired

i could not get to sleep at all last night

i wrote a song a long time ago


not really wrote

i don't know

let's try this agian

i have this song called "they keep us awake"

and it's about when you have too many ideas for something

but you can't do anything with them for whatever reason

so you just stay awake until 6 in the morning thinking about all the things you want to do

last night was one of those nights and i HATE THEM

i mean it's cool to have ideas and be excited for them and everything

but it's just annoying when you just want to tell your stupid brain to shut the hell up





where's my broom?

buncha animals in this damn body

i like writing the dave update

even when it's like yesterday and it pisses me off

i was reading this blog entry from louis ck

because i watched the last episode of louie and knew that it was probably based on a true story

that's what i really like about that show

it's just so real, real in the way memories are

it stays consistent with his comedy in that way

(sorry i'm like brain dead right now)

(these words aren't coming out so well)


i just really appreciate the lack of "ambition" that's consistent with his work

i put "ambition" in quotes because it's not really the right word

i just mean that he's not really trying to blow your mind

he's just trying to tell you about something that happened or something that he thought would be funny


he's not some asshole who's trying to blow up or some shit

i feel like to be a "good artist" means that you're really self-aware

and you have a great idea of what you want to happen

and then you do it

i mean that sounds simple for a reason


god so many tangents

anyways, his blog

he was talking about doing the USO tour

and how scary the black hawk helicopter rides are

and he got to a point where he was like

"ok just ride the fear"

(those are probably my words and not his)

but it was about sort of acknowledging that you're scared but rolling with it and enjoying it for the pure feeling of it

that's sometimes what the dave update does for me

rarely but sometimes

usually it's just an opportunity to tell dumb jokes

but sometimes it gets me thinking

and that's usually good

even though everyone tells me i think too much

and i stayed up all last night because i couldn't stop thinking

ugh fuck this shit

this dave update is OVER

this has been the dave update