Sunday, July 17, 2011


what's up

it's dave

i know two weekend updates


lucky you

i wanted to tell this story from yesterday

but first let me restart "cruising in the lizzymobile"

AHHHHH this song RULES


last night i went to a show

which was fun

a little weird, felt really old

but that was probably just because i was much older than most of the people there

no big deal

as i was there some friends rode by

stopped to chat

they were en route to amnesia

so i said i'd meet them there

and headed over afterwards

when i got there i was like, damn i need to eat

so i walked to get a slice

and on my walk back i thought to myself

"i really just wanna go home"

"i kind of have to pee"

so i decided to just hang out for a minute in front of amnesia

and if it was fun maybe i'd pay and go in

if not i could just go to phoenix bar and pee and go home

so i got there

and bumped into my friend rob who i haven't seen in awhile

i said hi even though he was talkin to a ladyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy

and we talked for like a second

when i got in a weird mood and just felt like kind of teasing him

so i was like, hey, you look good

and he said you too

and i said that makes me feel good, i'd heard some rumors about you

but like in a jokey voice

but he was kind of taking it serious

"what did you hear," etc

i said "just some things. but you're good?"

and he was like yeah, great

so i said "ok cool, well i just came down here to check on you, stay good"

and started to walk away, still as a joke

and he was like "wait, you're not gonna hang out?"

and i stopped and said "no, i was just checking on you"

and then "hey, can i see your hands real quick?"

he laughed but showed them to me

and i grabbed them and looked into them deeply

flipped them over

and said "yeah, you look good. see ya later"

as i walked away i thought about what i might say to him when i came back

but then after like a dozen paces or so

i heard rob say "that was really weird"

and i knew that my best move here would be to actually go home

and just let him sweat it until i bump into him next


sorry rob, my loyalty is to the joke

this has been the dave update