Monday, August 27, 2012

hello young davers


it's me

first things first

today i took a shower

yes that's right

it's 10:25 am

and i've taken a shower already

frequent readers of the dave update

(or those of you with nostrils and an active sense of smell)

know that this is a very rare occurance

i mean a shower alone is odd enough

but a morning shower?

that would mean that i got up more than five minutes before i have to be at work


life after 30, boy i tell ya

it's a whole new boring ball game

but a much cleaner one

also we're done with "principal shooting" for tyrannosaurus Rx

oh right now my computer at home is uploading a kind of crappy video i made too

should be done by the time i get home but WE'LLLLLLLL SEEEEEEE


i don't know

feeling weird

this saturday i finished a bottle of two buck chuck

in like, the course of one conversation

i was on a roll kinda?

i was in a horrible mood

so i was telling a bunch of sort of brutal self-depricating jokes

there has to be another word for that

other than self-depricating

it's like with random where people use it to refer to something kind of generic

it's like it loses its meaning and becomes a genre title


you're funny, you're so self-depricating

maybe it's when we lose control of our words that we lose our path so to speak


that's a tangent but i will probably explore that later

in my MIND

while probably STONED

anyways i felt like it was really helping my punchlines

if, right after i told a joke

i poured more wine into my cup

even though it was like half-full already

it was fun actually, it was probably the best part of saturday

i wish we'd filmed it actually because man i was on a roll

i can't remember any of the damn jokes now though



i'm done for today i guess

i had other stuff to say but i remember NONE of it

this has been the dave update