Thursday, June 16, 2011

hi there

i had practice last night

it was fine

i don't want to rant today about stupid shit

i feel awful, big surprise

i'm trying to think of a joke to tell or something

the only one i can think of is the knock knock joke about 9-11

but i'm sure you've all probably heard it

if you haven't you know my number by now

i'm going to delete my okcupid account right now

that's a good thing to do


that felt good

what do masturbation and procrastination have in common?

they're both fun until you realize you're just fucking yourself

i went to my psychiatrist the other day

he's got me on a new anti-depressant

he was checking in with me, making sure it was going ok

he asked "any thing unusual?"

and i said "no, everything seems fine"

and then he asked "any sexual side effects?"

and i thought about it for awhile

and then responded "you know"

"it hasn't come up"

i made that joke up by the way


i'm gonna go to the bathroom and sit on the floor for awhile

this has been the dave update