Thursday, September 13, 2012

hey there

been a new order kinda day on my end

mostly "leave me alone"

but now i'm on some new order youtube playlist

"true faith" is playing right now


i guess maybe i don't feel like talking?

life is too weird for me lately

let's write a joke, right now

what should it be about?

maybe supermarkets?

that's a funny word

not like literally funny but more phoenetically fully

phoenetically is maybe not a word but even if it is it's definitely spelled wrong


i used to think that the day would never come

i'd see the light in the shade of the morning sun

i think the hardest thing to understand as a "creative person"

is that no one really actually gives a shit about what you are doing

like you have to reach an improbable level of success

before people are actually like, on your side

complete strangers have to know your name and know that they like you

before you can reasonably expect to have even the slightest eyebrow raise's worth of attention

eyebrow raise's??????

what the hell is that

cmon dave

get it together

this is for real though

i feel like i often exaggerate but this is a real thing

everyone that i know who is creative

either has had to learn

or has YET to learn

that no, they are not special for coming up with whatever bullshit they came up with

(and if you're in that latter category good lord i don't envy being you)

(you are a ticking time bomb to BUMMERVILLE)

let's actually talk about this more

i'm talking to you young davers

we've got another dave contest here today

either in the comments or via e-mail

(no phone calls for this one please)

(unless i figure out how to record them)


(maybe we can skype)

(and record that)

ihateyourartschool at gmail

but tell me about the first time that you realized no one gave a fuck about what you were doing

the story that jumps to my mind is kind of ironic actually

because it was actually about a great show that this band i was in played

it was in high school and my friend was having a party

to raise money to build a mini-ramp in our other friend's backyard

maybe i've told you about this before?

we called it "ramp jam 2000"

but while we were playing people were going nuts

like, never in my life have people danced to the music i was playing

save for this ONE TIME

i think that's accurate

i mean no one dances to hiss & hum, obviously

doesn't mean they're not into it, it's just not dance party stuff

maybe people danced to this indie pop band i was in

but either way

i'd never in my ilfe had such a positive reaction to music i'd been playing

so after i finished up i was like

"cool, i'm gonna go chat some people up"

"this party is MINE now, i was in that great band that everyone loved"

let me tell you young davers

just because you are in the AWESOME BAND

playing at the AWESOME HOUSE PARTY

that doesn't mean that ANYONE IN ATTENDANCE

really gives a SHIT ABOUT YOU

i made no friends that night

and almost got arrested

that's a whole other story though

one for another day


i forgot the point of this story

and who cares anyways

i am over this dave update

why write one anyways??

yesterday's dave update was good enough for like a month

see you bitches in october

this has been the dave update

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