Tuesday, April 12, 2011

hi there

i had a really really nerdy dream last night

i had a dream that i let an old co-worker borrow my offs 7"

which, already, wow, what a nerdy dream

when he gave it back to me i noticed that,

while the insert was still there,

the actual paper sleeve that houses the 7" was gone

which, i mean, who fucking cares

(now that i'm awake)

but i was freaking out about it

i yelled at him and he was like "it didn't have one, it wasn't there"


and he finally left from wherever we were

and i started looking around for it

tearing the room apart

and then he started texting me stuff like

"hey dave i have a shriekback 7" you can borrow if you want hahahahahahah"

"i bet you're really into fIREHOSE now hahahhaah"

this is all music nerd humor

and everything he texted me made me so angry

and it all ended in "hahahahahahah"

finally i found the sleeve

and texted him back "found it, told you it was there you prick"

that's all i really remember

other than when i found it and texted him he wasn't sorry AT ALL

ha ha

i wish i could tell you some story about playing a rad show

or seeing a rad show

or about all the cool people i met last night

instead i'm telling you about a dream where i had a temper tantrum about some shit that doesn't matter

why can't i have dreams about doing cool shit?

it's not fair that even in my dreams i'm a NERD

this has been the dave update