Thursday, June 2, 2011


i am so tired


tired enough to not be seeing entirely straight

i hate waking up

i like my new place a lot but that room is DARK

which definitely doesn't help with the whole waking up thing

oh man

i just stared into space for awhile

for the length of a go sailor song

this is going to be a long day

i'm supposed to have practice tonight

i had practice last night but it was weird

for some reason i just felt kind of detached from it

i think i'm still so excited about the new place that it's a little distracting

like, i can't really focus on something because i know my room is really close by

and there's a COUCH in there

and i could just be sitting down

last night after the day went by i listened to brainbombs really loud in my room

it was cool

mikey came in and sewed patches on his jacket

then showed me some weird robot war video game that he's into

gotta admit it was fun


there's other things i could probably talk about but maybe i don't want to get into them right now

the weekend is coming up

i'd like to get hangers

finish unpacking


eat a whole cheesecake

learn to fly

not like, fly a plane

learn how to fly

i used to have these dreams where i could fly if i just focused on it just right

i had to get a little "zen" about it


but if i focused just right

(and usually i'd have to start in the fetal position)

i would just start to levitate

and then i could slowly start to fly

then i would just fly around the campus of the middle school i went to

i remember the air was cold and it was always early in the morning

the campus looked very blue in the early mornings

usually more so in winter

you'd see it in the ground even


the ground was fun

it was just dirt

but it would sometimes dry up in these clumps

is clumps a word?

doesn't come up in spell check so i guess so

either a word or an ex-president

the honorable thomas j clumps now presides

but you could pluck these thomas j clumps from the ground

maybe a bit like peeling skin from an orange?

except i can peel an orange in ONE PEEL



we would have wars with the dirt clumps

even if you found a really big one it didn't really hurt when it hit you

it would just explode and get you really dirty

man dirt wars were totally fun

usually though every war ended with someone either throwing a rock

or throwing a dirt clump with a rock in it

which again didn't really hurt so much

but was definitely "an act of aggression"

and a sure way to start a fist fight

i used to fight SO MUCH when i was a kid

it's funny now because i'm fairly docile at this stage in my life

but i was a mean mutha back then

oh the salad days

good things people good things

let's make good things happen please

too tired to do this right now

gonna get a bagel

entertain yourselves

this has been the dave update