Friday, May 20, 2011


still exhausted, still dirty

i'm supposed to have a drink with a store customer tonight

but i'm still having a dry month

and i don't want to do anything other than shower, sleep, or pack right now

in that order


shower/sleep are kind of interchangeable there

i wish i could shower in my sleep, that'd make things so much easier

i went to a show last night

i feel like i just don't belong in this city

or anywhere

i met this really annoying kid

who was really pissed about the show

and wouldn't stop talking about how his band could blow the other bands off the stage

(there's a blow job joke in there somewhere that i'm just gonna skip)

i asked them what they were called and he was like

"we're not playing out yet, we're perfecting everything"

hoo boy

then he told me about the band

and was like "it's real rock dude"

"like, 70s hard rock, like sabbath"

"someone once described us as kurt cobain singing for led zep"

"someone once described us as kurt cobain singing for led zep"

"someone once described us as kurt cobain singing for led zep"

"someone once described us as kurt cobain singing for led zep"

"someone once described us as kurt cobain singing for led zep"

"someone once described us as kurt cobain singing for led zep"

"someone once described us as kurt cobain singing for led zep"

"someone once described us as kurt cobain singing for led zep"

i'm posting that multiple times

because i've been through enough one-sheets to know

for a fact

that that's the WORST description of a band i've ever heard

i wanted to tell him that

just say "oh god that sounds horrible"

"find a new slogan"

but he wouldn't shut up

he started talking about how LA is much better than SF

because of the whiskey and all the rock history on the strip

he kind of made me feel sad to be honest

anyone that sure of themselves is bound to get really disappointed

oh well

that's life

"someone once described us as kurt cobain singing for led zep"

ha ha ha

i bet that someone is himself too


this weekend i'm going to start moving

i guess


i mean if i feel like it i guess


i can feel myself starting to drift towards bummer rants

so maybe i should end this



i had a really long talk with a friend from AZ yesterday

about a mutual friend who we're concerned with

well i'm concerned with

i think he's sort of written him off because they've had a more direct confrontation

it was interesting though

i wish i could think of some highlights

i don't know, it was interesting though



i want to talk about something else but i'm just not sure how to phrase it

i don't know



i don't know

i think....

i'm just tired of affection in my life being one-way

that's not exactly what i mean

but i care about a few people

and want to be more in their lives


their lives?

why does that look so weird?

whatever you get it

and i'm tired of really having no say in it

you can't force yourself into people's lives

i mean i get it

i get that to these people i'm not like a primary friend

but i just NEED a primary friend of my own maybe?

dave gulbis, afterthought

ha ha

fuck this, i'm not getting anywhere

this weekend i'm going to start moving

this has been the dave update

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